Amia Baker, Director of the Mitchell College of Business Learning Resource Center
Amia Baker is the new Director of the Mitchell College of Business Learning Resource
Center. She has over seven years of experience as a business librarian working with
students and faculty at Vanderbilt University and Auburn University. Amia earned
both her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in marketing,
and her Master’s Degree in Library and Information Studies from the University of
Asked what she likes about being a business librarian, Amia said, “I really enjoy working with business students and hearing their ideas for new products and businesses. For me it is fun to try to match up what a student is researching with the information resources that we have available in the Library. I really love it when I can help them find quality information that they couldn’t find using Google.”
Please stop by the MCOB Learning Resources Center to welcome Ms. Baker to our campus.