QEP Advisory Council
![QEP Advisory council at round table.](/departments/academicenhancement/teamusa/images/Advisory%20Council%20Picture.jpg)
During the summer of 2012, the QEP Implementation Committee was expanded and repurposed as an Advisory Council to oversee the pilot and implementation phases of the project. The purpose of the USA Quality Enhancement Plan Advisory Council is to support and guide the development, implementation and assessment of the Quality Enhancement Plan. Responsibilities of council membership are to serve as an advocate of the USA QEP, review and make recommendations for continuous improvement of all aspects of the QEP, including but not limited to, implementation of the plan, assessment, planning and budgeting.
The Advisory Council meets on a regular basis to provide informed feedback to help shape implementation practices, evaluate success and determine modifications to the project that may required as it is implemented. The QEP Director will present regular updates and reports regarding the progression of activities leading to attainment of the project’s goals and objectives. The Council will elect a Chair every other year. The initial composition of the Advisory Council includes the following personnel:
2013-14 QEP Advisory Committee
Ronald Styron Director, QEP
Averitt, Jennifer Engineering, Dean's Office
Bonner, Jessica Student Government Representative, Graduate Education
Carr, Nicole Director, Student Academic Success
Carr, Phil Arts and Sciences, Faculty Senate, QEP Instructor
Case, Carol School of Continuing Education and Special Programs, QEP Instructor
Cleary, John College of Engineering, QEP Instructor
Coleman, Robert Arts and Sciences, Assistant Dean
Cwikla, Julie Director, CISSTEM
Daigle, Roy Community Representative, Retired School of Computing Associate Dean
Davis, Riley Student Government President
Dempsey, Jack Director, Innovation in Learning Center
Estis, Julie College of Allied Health Professions, Faculty Senate, QEP Instructor
Gard, Anthony College of Medicine, Assistant Dean
Gecewicz, Chimene School of Continuing Education and Special Programs, QEP Instructor
Gray, Rob Manager, Faculty Development Services, QEP Instructor
Guest, Charles Interim Associate Vice-President IRPA
Gunn, Jennie College of Nursing, QEP Instructor
Hickey, Susan College of Allied Health Professions, Faculty Senate, QEP Instructor
Landry, Jeff School of Computing, Faculty Senate, QEP Instructor
LeDoux, Susan College of Medicine, Associate Dean
Litchfield, Brenda Professional Studies, Chair
Marshall, Doug Faculty Senate President
Martin, Cecelia Director of Assessment
McKinney, Dawn School of Computing, QEP Instructor
Norrell, Philip College of Education and Professional Studies, Faculty Senate, QEP Instructor
Palanki, Srinivas College of Engineering, Dept Chair, QEP Instructor
Smith, Kandy College of Nursing, QEP Instructor
Thomas, Crystal Arts and Sciences, QEP Instructor
Van Haneghan, James College of Education and Professional Studies, Assessment
Younce, Alice College of Nursing, QEP Instructor