Larry Beason
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Larry Beason | Professor Specializes in rhetorical analysis, composition pedagogy, grammar, and science fiction. |
Other Books
- A Commonsense Guide to Grammar & Usage, 7th edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2015. Co-author: Mark Lester.
- The McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage, 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. Co-author: Mark Lester. (This book has also been translated into a Chinese version.)
- Writer's Choice: Grammar Reteaching. New York: Glencoe, 1993. (Four separate workbooks that supplement Glencoe's composition/grammar texts for grades 9-12.)
- "Grammar Interventions in Gaming Forums: Intersections of Academic and Non-Academic Standards." Rhetoric/Composition/Play through Video Games: Reshaping Theory and Practice of Writing. Ed. Richard Colby, Matthew S. S. Johnson, and Rebekah Shultz Colby. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 175-92.
- "Fostering Quality through Sense of Place." WPA: Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators 34.1 (2010): 149-52.
- "Ethos and Error: How Business People React to Errors." College Composition and Communication 53 (2001): 33-62.
- "Warriner's, Textbooks, and the Alleged Focus on Student Writing." Journal of Teaching Writing 16.2 (copyright 1998, published fall 2000): 273-94.
- "Composition as Service: Implications of Utilitarian, Duties, and Care Ethics." The Ethics of Writing Instruction: Issues in Theory and Practice, Michael Pemberton, ed. Stanford: Ablex, 2000. 105-37.
- "Preparing Future Teachers of Writing to Use the Web: Balancing the Pedagogical with the Technical." Weaving a Virtual Web: Practical Approaches to New Information Technologies, Sibylle Gruber, ed. Urbana: NCTE, 2000. 25-40.
- "Listening as Assessment: How Students and Teachers Evaluate WAC." In Assessing Writing Across the Curriculum: Diverse Approaches & Practices. Brian Huot & Kathleen Yancey, eds. Greenwich, CT: Ablex, 1997. 97-121. Co-author: Laurel Darrow.
- "A Canon for Argumentation?" Composition Chronicle 10.2 (1997): 5-7.
- "Blending and Connecting the Classroom." InLand: A Journal for Teachers of English Language Arts 18.2 (1995): 4-5.
- "Textbooks on Argumentative Writing...." Composition Chronicle 8.2 (1995): 1-4.
- "Feedback and Revision in Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Classes." Research in the Teaching of English 27 (1993): 395-422.
- "Risk-Taking in the Background and Foreground of Writing." Writing Instructor 12 (1993): 115-24.
- "Why Teach Writing?" Washington English Journal 15.1 (1992): 36-42.
- "Strategies for Establishing an Effective Persona: An Analysis of Appeals to Ethos in Business Speeches." Journal of Business Communication 28 (1991): 326-46.
- "A Descriptive Writing Assessment Approach: The Writing Profile." Adult Assessment Forum 1.4 (1991): 6-7.
- "An Anatomy of Writing Assessment." Washington English Journal 13.1 (1991): 37-44. Co-author: Dana Elder.
- Review of What We Really Value: Beyond Rubrics in Teaching and Assessing Writing. WPA 29 (2005): 115-18.
- Review of Practice of Technical and Scientific Communication. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 42.3 (1999): 190-92.
- Regularly reviewed articles for "Perusing the Journals" feature. Composition Chronicle 10.3 (1997): 4-5, 10. Composition Chronicle 9.8 (1996): 7-9. Composition Chronicle 9.2 (1996): 9-11. Composition Chronicle 8.7 (1995): 6-8. Composition Chronicle 8.3 (1995):10-11. Composition Chronicle 7.8 (1994): 6-7. Composition Chronicle 7.2 (1994): 7-8. Composition Chronicle 6.8 (1993): 6-7.
- Review of Process and Portfolios in Writing Instruction. InLand: A Journal for Teachers of English Language Arts 17.1 (1994): 41-42.
- Review of Writing Centers in Context. Writing Lab Newsletter 18.4 (1993): 14-15.